DPBR Sanctioned for Attorney’s Fees for “Meritless Denial” in Quarter Horse case; see the opinion here.


Governor Scott withdraws Crist appointments subject to Senate confirmation but not yet confirmed; see the list here.

DigiDeal Corporation has filed with the Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering a Petition for Variance/Waiver for Rule 61D-14.042(1), F.A.C.; see the Notice here.

The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Issues a Declaratory Statement Regarding the Applicability of Section 849.094, F.S., to Calder Race Course and Tropical Park; see the declaratory statement here.

CBS News 60 Minutes report on slot machines & the debate over new slot machines and gambling addiction.  Lesley Stahl reports on the proliferation of gambling to 38 states and its main attraction, the slot machine, newer versions of which some scientists believe may addict their players in this video.