Comparative Monthly Slot Numbers for August: Gulfstream up 10% over previous year, Isle of Capri down 5%, Mardi Gras plummets another 22%.  August Slot Report

Florida Pari-Mutuels call criticized the Compact as one-sided, saying, “The revised compact between the State of Florida and the Seminole Tribe released today is a terrible deal for the people of Florida. – Izzy Havenick, Vice-President of Southwest Florida Enterprises, parent company of Flagler Dog Track and Naples-Ft. Myers Greyhound Track.  Read the entire statement here.

Governor Crist signs a new Gaming Compact with the Seminole Tribe.  Read the compact here. 
Read the governor’s press release and highlights of the Compact here.
Read the governor’s transmittal letter to Senate President Jeff Atwater and Speaker Larry Creutel.

Read the Gaming Legislation here: SB-788

Representatives from the Gaming Industry file a rule challenge against the Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering to determine the invalidity of a rule prohibiting blackjack, roulette, and keno-themed slot machines. Read the filed petition.

Jacksonville Greyhound files suit against greymarket slot operators.  Read a copy of the complaint here.

Gulfstream victorious in maintaining simulcasting rights in the 5th attempt by Mardi Gras as the First District Court of Appeals affirms the lower ruling.

West Flagler has petitioned Div. of Pari-Mutuel Wagering for a waiver of 61D-11.025, F.A.C., concerning cardroom electronic surveillance.  Read the request here.

Jacques v. DBPR – First District Court of Appeal Case Regarding Denial of Slot Machine License.  Read the opinion here.

South FL Pari-Mutuels continue to feel the impact of tribal advantage and economic downturn. Comparing June 2008 to June 2009, Isle of Capri is 18% below last year, Mardi Gras is 20% below last year and Gulfstream is maintaining its position essentially flat in comparison to last year. Slot Revenue June ‘09